When my husband told me that he could only take one day off at half term I had a slight panic. What was I going to do to entertain the girls for four whole days? I am so used to our weekly routine of the Big Girl being at pre-school and having groups and classes to attend with the Little Ones that I forgot that when the twins were born I looked after all three of the all day every weekday for 18 months!
Still I felt better with a plan under my belt and today's plan was meet Grandma and get their current shoes checked this morning (boring job ticked) and then try a couple of crafts from lovely Pinterest that I've been meaning to get around to for a while.
I love the idea of messy play but I am not much good at the reality (cleaning up!) so I look for cleaner ways to do it and this pin looked ideal. To be honest I didn't even need to read the original post, it seemed like a great idea, easy access to the paint without pots that could knocked over, spilt or dropped. I saved a couple of trays from vegetables etc and cut a bath sponge into nine pieces, then glue gunned them to the trays.I am sure you could use other thick glue. The paint we have is quite thick so I painted it onto the sponges with a brush.
I wanted to have a go at these. Again I haven't looked at the link, it just sparked an idea. I painted the tissue boxes with white paint before, three coats and the print still wasn't really covered but I don't think the girls minded. They did tire of the boxes quite quickly so I just gave them some paper. It entertained them for half and hour which is pretty good going. It was good to get them cleaned up and give them colouring books instead anyway so I could get on with making their tea without worrying about paint on the walls!