I think it started when I went to France at the age of 17 to stay with a fabulous french family (who I am still in touch with). They were feeding the fish belonging to some neighbours who were on holiday. These neighbours also had swimming pool and this pool looked out on t
o a stunning view of field beyond field, full of blooming sunflowers, as far as the mountains. We would swim in the pool and then go down to the bottom of the garden and pick fresh figs from tree. It was heaven, an experience which I am sure will stay with me forever.
So it seemed obvious that I would have sunflowers in my wedding bouquet, they're such a happy flower and I like colourful weddings, especially in summer. I think that's the reason I like sunflowers; their fantastic, vibrant, sunny colour and the fact that they make me feel cheerful. Above is sunflower from our garden a couple of days ago. This morning I've come downstairs and it's raining. It's little dark and gloomy. But this flower is now opened fully and it almost seems to be smiling, providing little splash of happy colour in our garden that makes me smile back.

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