As I was pregnant this time last year (therefore in maternity clothes) and I am still carrying some considerable baby weight, I find myself searching for an entire new work wardrobe. I have been boring anyone who will listen about the lack of nice clothes on the high street for sometime. Everything is just so baggy and longline which really doesn't suit if you are only 5'3".
So I have been scouring the Internet for some nice dresses with nipped in waists that will hopefully make me feel less like a sack of potatoes. I am having mixed success. The dress that arrived yesterday, an Ebay purchase, is the one pictured. I didn't see that it incorporates a big piece of plastic in the waistline which I am not keen on. Tescos have some lovely dresses online at the moment but having decided I wanted them I then discovered they only have tiny weeny sizes left. Argh!

I have, however, found and purchased a pair of shoes that I love, these Footglove dolly shoes from Marks and Spencer. A very sensible mummy, but pretty, pair, not quite on a par with my treasured heels of the past (which I can't quite bring myself to part with) but much easier for running around in.
I am getting there, slowly, I think.
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