I have to say, being back at work has really put the brakes on my experimenting with new recipes! But I still try to have a go at something new on a Friday which is one of my days off. Last week I tried...
Zesty Haddock with Crushed Potatoes and Peas It was yummy! Definately printing that one off for my binder. We had cod instead of haddock and I also used spring onions instead of chives because it was pouring with rain and I couldn't be bothered to walk to the bottom of the garden to get chives! I think when I make it again I will still use spring onions, nice to have a bit of crunch.
This weekend we've had a very chilly BBQ and tonight I treated us to crispy duck and pancakes, yummy, yummy. I've also knocked up a batch of my Rhubarb Jelly now that it's in season again.
This week...
...will be a busy one. My parents are on holiday and I'm going to be watering their mammoth garden as well as looking after Daisy, their dog and keeping an eye on my Nanna. So quick and simple food is required. Some of the meal on plan are...
Chicken allla cacciatora
This is a Nigella recipe and I've made it many times, it is super easy, quick and tasty. I might freeze a couple of portions for Bambino.
Homemade fish finger sarnie
Another fishy favourite, fairly recently discovered. I love the way that the fish is coated in cornflakes, you'd never know when you taste it!
I'm also going to make Bambino some Cheese and Carrot Muffins from Annabel Karmel's 100 Finger Foods. She likes muffins for tea and I have some lovely silcone cases to make them in.
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